Rssb satsang in vancouver
Rssb satsang in vancouver

rssb satsang in vancouver

We engaged in quite a bit of other correspondence back and forth. You can read the 2003 letter I sent to him. Regarding D, I liked Gurinder Singh Dhillon after he became guru. I still meditate every morning, in a mostly Buddhist/mindfulness fashion.

rssb satsang in vancouver

I enjoyed my meditation during the 35 years I was a member of RSSB, and I've enjoyed my meditation both before and after my RSSB years. Regarding C, I never gave up on meditation. I've written about this in several posts: " My letter to a supposed Godly guru," " My inside look at RSSB books," and " How writing a book rewrote me." I ended up publishing the book on my own, and it's been a steady seller on Amazon, with good reader reviews. I suggested having two versions of the book, one with the added content to be sold by RSSB, and one without that would be sold commercially. We, RSSB and I, simply couldn't agree about some content that RSSB wanted me to add to the book, which I didn't want to do in a book that would be sold to the general public. Regarding B, I wasn't much bothered by my book about the Greek philosopher Plotinus, " Return to the One," not being published by RSSB. So my criticisms of RSSB preceded being fired, rather than coming after that happened. Regarding A, as I said in " Here's the truth about when I began criticizing RSSB," the reason a RSSB representative gave for me being fired as a satsang (meeting) speaker in October 2005 was that my blogging here on the Church of the Churchless since November 2004 was making people uncomfortable. The long answer follows. First, though, let's dismiss the four A,B,C,D options the commenter suggested. (Here's a previous 2008 try at this, " Why I'm not a Sant Mat true believer.") Then I can simply copy in this post's URL if I get asked this question again. Instead, I'll use this blog post to convey what I hope is the definitive answer to why I left RSSB. Naturally my second thought was, No way am I going to pick only one option or reply in one sentence. But here's the comment by the somewhat weirdly named "Guru."

rssb satsang in vancouver

I have no idea why so many people are so interested in why, after 35 years, I deconverted from being a follower of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB), which is headed by a guru devotees consider to be God in human form. Author and subject indices are appended for the reader’s convenience.Geez, I thought, when I read the comment. Furthermore, the encyclopedia presents an annotated survey of all major scholarly work on Sikhism, and a selective listing of electronic and web-based resources in the field. The Bibliography contains sections on a wide variety of subjects, such as Sikh gurus, Sikh philosophy, Sikh politics and Sikh religion. This monumental work lists over 10,000 English-language publications under almost 30 subheadings, each representing a subfield in Sikh Studies. The growing interest in Sikh Studies has resulted in an avalanche of literature, which is now for the first time brought together in the International Bibliography of Sikh Studies. An increasing number of scholars is exploring the culture, history, politics, and religion of the Sikhs. One of the youngest religions of the world, Sikhism has progressively attracted attention on a global scale in recent decades. The International Bibliography of Sikh Studies brings together all books, composite works, journal articles, conference proceedings, theses, dissertations, project reports, and electronic resources produced in the field of Sikh Studies until June 2004, making it the most complete and up-to-date reference work in the field today.

Rssb satsang in vancouver